The main objective of this grant mechanism is to facilitate the active participation of civic organisations, particularly youth-based initiatives, in the Charter Project Africa. The mechanism aims to support local organisations in the target countries to have the capacity to play a role in the use of technology solutions and to engage in AGA initiatives.

The Civic Tech Fund Africa is designed in the context of the Charter Project Africa, and also incorporates the African Union Civic Tech Fund, hosted by the African Union. The Charter Project Africa and the African Union Civic Tech Fund share common objectives and, in particular, both focus on the use of technological citizenship to improve inclusive public decision-making and strengthen democratic governance across Africa.

Civic Tech, or civic technology, describes technology that enhances citizen engagement and strengthens the accountability and transparency of governance processes and public services. Effective civic technology is often the result of collaboration between civil society, government and the private sector. It can also include strong digital engagement, in that it uses tools to support the operation of public networks and platforms, citizen engagement or public interest campaigns.
